Friday 22 April 2016

Evaluation Question 1

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our media project is a thriller so we used the common concept of good vs evil, protagonist vs antagonist and followed a linear narrative in order to convey our product's elements. We chose theme of heist's and robbery as our main conventions. Our product adopted conventions from high concept thrillers such, as the use of low key lighting and setting in rundown establishmets and dark decor in order to convey the thrilling atmosphere generated from these products. The use of the 3 characters in our opening we took inspiration from the introduction of the antagonists in Kick-ass 2 using the on screen text to identify individuals rather than dialogue. On the subject of dialogue, we went against normal thriller elements of using dialogue to convey conventions and strike a response from the audience and instead stuck with silence and editing along with elements of mise en scene to illustrate the aspects of enigma and tension. On the other hand we took inspiration from the film "The Humingbird" to create our film. Finally our film also follows Todorov's theory meaning our product follows as equilibrium through to disequilbrium.

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