Saturday 9 April 2016

Evaluation Question 3

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?In order to reach our desired target audience we will need to make sure that we network with the correct media institutions in order for our product to flourish and achieve its potential. I believe that the following media conglomerates will be best suited to our requirements due to their establishment, financial credibility and resources and finally the thriller genre is a genre that these institutions often publish:

- E One Entertainment
- Lionsgate
- Focus Features

All these institutions have the ability to make low budget films such as our film "Breach" a success through advertisement in able to tap into our target audience.

Other ways I believe could help distribute the our product is networking on social media. This is a good way to distribute our product as almost everyone uses social media so tapping into the target audience is very easy and can become very effective when aspects such as word of mouth come into affect strengthening the likelihood of distribution. Another way of distributing the product is via film festivals. Film festivals are a way not only our target audience can be informed of the product but other audiences can be introduced to "Breach" and would help distribute the product due to film festivals being widely sociable and again, word of mouth is a key aspect. Finally merchandise is a very good way to distribute the product as it allows fans something to take away and have a personal connection to.

Getting a low budget film such as ours into any platform of cinema exhibition from indie houses to multiplexes will be tough to achieve so finally the last method of distribution that I feel would be the best for our film is using websites and applications such as YouTube and Netflix. YouTube and Netflix are extremely popular applications in there own rights but, the main age group that use these platforms are the 14-24 age group we were aiming for. Consequently this is the form of distribution we believe would best suit "Breach"

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