Thursday 28 January 2016

Audience Feedback

Audience feedback is an important part of creating film so that you can identify positives and negatives within your product and adapt to the feedback received.

The ways we plan to gather audience feedback:

YouTube - Posting our thriller opening onto YouTube will allow anyone to view our product and give feedback on it via the comment section or through liking and disliking the video. In addition using tags on the video will allow our video to appear in the search tab more when key words such as "film" "thriller" "heist" is searched for.

Friends and Family - Showing the video to members of your family or friends will allow you us to be able to get multiple amounts of feedback and queries about the film to help us improve or pursuit certain aspects of the film that were good and make them more frequent.

Members of Staff - At the college we have a vast film and media department who are trained professionals at what they do so consequently, showing them our ideas and final product will give us excellent feedback as they can identify positives within the product and also negatives on the product whilst also, informing us of techniques we can add to the film next time to improve.

1 comment:

  1. again, this needs to be applied to what it is that you will be doing
