Wednesday 27 January 2016


Due to the storyline of the thriller being built around a heist setup we are requiring our cast members to be dressed in full black and we have taken inspiration from the game PAYDAY and we are using masks to hide our antagonists identities to create a sense of enigma. In addition the use of the black clothing brings connotations of something ominous and not having pure ambitions which links perfectly with the synopsis of the story. In order to access the antagonist's costume we are going to be able to provide most of it ourselves as everyone has black clothing available and any additions pieces of apparel required we can borrow from the college via David Upcraft and the prop cupboard. The masks on the other hand are less accessible so we are prepared to buy them from websites and shops so we can have the ones we think fit the story the best and will look the most presentable when filming. Other than full black clothing and masks I believe that should be enough to present our antagonists in as fierce and ominous way as possible.

1 comment:

  1. You need to be more precise - what exactly do you need, where will each be sources and what needs to be bought / organised when.
